Religion is generally not funny unless you make it that way. We currently have 83 humorous stories about religion. A description of each religious joke is provided after the link.
Heaven's Wait - A funny
anecdote about a couple who dies, goes to heaven, and finds out that it may be easier to
get married in heaven then it would be to get divorced.
Car Trouble - A humorous
anecdote about a how each one of us is rewarded or punished when we die and go to heaven.
Seven Dwarfs - A funny story
about one of the seven dwarfs who couldn't tell the difference between a nun and a
What's In A Name - A
humorous story about a young priest who gets carried away in a derogatory conversation.
Royal Flush - If you know
how to play poker you'll enjoy this funny one!
The Farmer And The Devil - A
funny story about a farmer who dies and goes to hell and how the devil can't seem to make
him suffer.
When God Created Eve - God
teaches Adam on how to treat Eve but doesn't tell him everything.
The Pope At The Wheel -
With the Pope in a limousine who's really in the driver's seat?
Heaven's Gate - What does
it really take to get into heaven? Here are a few amusing stories about how some made it
Bill Gates In Hell - Does
death really emulate life? Find out why Bill Gates chose hell over heaven!
In The Beginning - An
amusing story about how God created the earth.
Overwhelming Response - A
funny story about a preacher who hypnotized his congregation to increase the church's
revenues during Sunday's plate collections and how it back-fired on him.
Honk If You Love Jesus -
Here is a funny anecdote about a man who thinks everyone loves Jesus despite their
gestures and words.
The Brothel - An amusing
story about two Irishmen in a bar who observe a Baptist Minister, a Rabbi, and a Priest
enter the bar.
The Golden Phones - Have
you ever wondered just how much it costs to call God? Well, click here and find out!
Healing - Is there any
truth to those faith healers on TV? Well, click here and find out!
Good Deals - A funny story
about a lawyer who dies and goes to heaven where he has to prove himself worthy of
entering the pearly gates.
Nativity Scene In The South
- An amusing story about how a Nativity scene in the south would like like based on their
interpretation of the Bible.
A Dearly Departed Religious Dog
- A funny annecdote about an Irishman who turns to his church for funeral services
for his dog.
Nun To Worry About - An
amusing story about two nuns in a car confronted by a persistent vampire.
The Painter - Even crooked
painters cannot hide from the wrath of God. Click here to find out how.
Forrest Gump and St. Peter
- St. Peter requires that three questions be answered properly before a person can enter
heaven. Here are some humorous answers to three such questions asked of Forrest Gump.
Moses - A humorous story
about when President Bush meets Moses at an airport.
The Misunderstood Patient -
A funny story about a patient in a Catholic hospital whose mumbling under an oxygen mask
causes the nurse to take the wrong action.
Good Vs. Evil on Diets -
Read a funny take on the struggle between God and the Devil when it comes to diets.
At The Track - A humorous
story about a Protestant who bets on horses blessed by a Catholic Priest.
Ancient Escavations - A
funny story about the interpretation of ancient writings found on a cave wall by Israeli
Pesky Squirrels - A
humorous anecdote about how three religious groups would rid their church of pesky
The Rabbi - A funny story
about a young Rabbi who wants to leave his congregation for a larger one.
A Hole In One - A humorous
story about a Priest who plays hooky from his Sunday morning church service to play golf
and gets a hole in one.
Acts 2:38 - A funny story
about a woman who sites Bible scripture to a burglar breaking into her home.
Never Make a Woman Angry -
Read a funny story about a man who pisses off his wife even in heaven.
Harley Davidson Motorcycle
- Read a funny story about the founder of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle who dies and goes
to heaven.
The Old Preacher - A
humorous story about why a dying preacher wanted both his IRS agent and lawyer by his side
when he died.
Nookie Green - A funny
story about a priest who inquires about woman named "Nookie Green".
Catholic Humor - Three
funny stories about the Catholics.
The Lost Chapter of Genesis
- A humorous conversation between God and Adam about the making of his mate, Eve.
Bad Press - Read how the
press can distort the truth even when it comes to religious affairs.
In the Beginning - Read
what happened in the beginning when God and Satin were battling each other over the goods
and evils of man's and woman's food consumption and diet.