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Heavenly Politics

The way I heard it Bill, Hillary and Al Gore died in a traffic accident.

They were presented to God for the secondary screening. God was on his throne. He called for Gore and asked him: "What do you believe in?" Gore quickly answered that he believed in ecology and conservation; "If we take care of nature, we take care of every living being and all plant life!" " Sounds reasonable," said God, "come sit on my right."

Then Bill was called front and center. "What do you believe in," the Eternal One asked Bill. "I believe that each person should be able to do what he wants, without criticism or judgment," Bill firmly stated. "In your case I can understand it, come sit on my left."

Hillary was now standing tall before the throne. God also asked her, "What do you believe in?" She took a step forward and in a firm voice replied, "I believe you're sitting in my chair."

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