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Mixing Drugs With Alcohol

One day a man walks into a bar with his pet lion and sits at the bar. The bartender asked the man what he wanted. The man replies "Give me a beer and give my friend here a whiskey".

The bartender brings him a beer and the lion a whiskey at which time both guzzle their drinks down. The man demands "Another beer and whiskey!". The bartender complies and brings the man another beer and the lion another whiskey. This goes on for about four or five more times.

At the end of the bar the lion sees a cute girl drinking by herself. He gets up, goes down to the end of the bar, and gobbles up the girl. He comes back, sits down in his chair, and downs the remaining whiskey in his glass.

Moments later he passes out and falls to the floor. The bartender says to the man, "What happen to your lion". The man replies "Oh, it’s the Bar-Bitch-He-Ate!"

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